Past Events
Mar Maroun 2018

Mar Maroun 2018

20. January, 2018Past EventsNo comments

Mar Maroun Fundraising
The Sacred Heart Family of Our Lady of Lebanon, in collaboration with OLOL’s Youth Group, IGNITE, is hosting
its annual Mar Maroun Lunch after both masses on Sunday February 11th, 2018.
We invite you and your families to come join us and enjoy some yummy food to celebrate the feast day of our
beloved Mar Maroun!
If you would like to contribute to this event by sharing a food dish, please call:
Colette Dagher (6478982708) or Amal Kharrat (6476685032).
Monetary contributions are graciously accepted also, as money raised from the event will be donated to charity
organizations in Lebanon (i.e. Father Majdi Allawi, Telelumiere, etc.).
God bless and hope to see you there!

Saint Anthony the Great

Saint Anthony the Great

20. January, 2018Past EventsNo comments

Saint Anthony the Great is known as the father of monasticism. Born in Egypt in the third century, he was raised by pious Christian parents. After their deaths, he heard the parable of the rich young man in church, and decided to sell everything he had inherited and give it to the poor. He later departed to the desert to live in asceticism, and was victorious over the devil’s many  temptations. A community sprang up around him, and it became the model of Christian monasticism. Saint Anthony’s life and sayings were written by Saint Anthanasius, and his words continue to inspire and challenge us today. His feast is celebrated on January 17.


Dear God, St. Anthony the Abbot accepted your call to renounce the world and to love you above all things. He faithfully served you in the solitude of the desert by fasting, prayer, humility and good works. In the Sign of The Cross, he triumphed over the Devil.
Through his intercession, may we learn to love you better; with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, all our strength and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.
St. Anthony the Abbot, great and powerful saint, grant us our request […]. We ask this through our lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. One God forever and ever, Amen.

St. Anthony of the Desert (the Great) | Gambar, Doa, Tuhan

Mass and Adoration

Mass and Adoration

5. January, 2018Past EventsNo comments

Let us adore Christ the Lord from all our heart, mind and soul
Mass and Adoration will be held at Our Lady of Lebanon church Toronto, the first Friday of each month at 7:30 Pm

Mass of the Epiphany قداس عيد الغطاس

Mass of the Epiphany قداس عيد الغطاس

5. January, 2018Past EventsNo comments

Epiphany mass, with the Blessing of the water, will be held

At Our Lady of Lebanon – Toronto: 

Thursday January 5th 2023 at 7:30pm

OLOL Christmas Concert 2017

OLOL Christmas Concert 2017

13. December, 2017Past EventsNo comments

“A Savior is Born”
Christmas Concert;
The Choir of OLOL and Father ELie Abou Assaf are waiting for you to pray and enjoy Christmas on December 15th, 2017
at Our Lady of Lebanon Church a 8:00 Pm

OLOL New Year’s Party

OLOL New Year’s Party

13. November, 2017Past EventsNo comments

OLOL New Year’s Party on Dec 31st.

Le Parc banquet hall located at 8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Toronto

DJ Tony from Hi NRG – Surprise Show – Open bar, Knafeh Breakfast after midnight!

Tickets price: Adult: $130 Kids: $60.

To buy your ticket please contact: Claudine 416-301-7450; Bassam 416 543-7123; or Fadi 416-450-5630


Father Walid El Khoury

Father Walid El Khoury

24. September, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Our Lady of Lebanon Church Welcomes her new Pastor
Father Walid EL Khoury

Pumpkin Day 2017

Pumpkin Day 2017

24. September, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Join us with your kids for an enjoyable and fun day
Saturday October 14, 2017
from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm
at our lady of Lebanon Church Toronto
Activities: Carving pumpkins, peeling apples…..
Lunch and dessert: Hot Dog, Hamburger….
Entrance fees: 2 Cad
For more informations call Ramona About Jaoude: 647 287 8421

Saint Elias and Saint Charbel feast

19. August, 2017Past EventsNo comments

May the Lord fulfill our hearts with His graces and may Saint Elias and Saint Charbel protect our families and us
Happy Saint Elias and Saint Charbel’s feast

Congratulations to the New General council for the Antonine Maronite Order

Congratulations to the New General council for the Antonine Maronite Order

1. August, 2017Past EventsNo comments

New General council for the Antonine Maronite Order
Fr. Maroun Abou Jaoude, Superior general, on his right Fr Antoine Awkar and Fr Joseph Bou Raad, on his left Fr Maroun Bou Rahal and Fr Nader Nader.