Past Events
Easter Lunch

Easter Lunch

6. April, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Easter Lunch: April 16
Christ Is Risen !
You are invited with your family to share with us on Easter Sunday April 16, the Easter Lunches ( first Lunch after the 10:30am mass and a second one after the 12:30 mass). At La Veranda Restaurant (140 Woodbridge Ave, Woodbridge, ON L4L 4K9), $35 per person, and $25 per child ($10 from adult’s and $5 from children’s ticket sales will be donated to MYC 2017).
Lunch includes (Appetizers and Mashawi). Please note that the children will have the same menu.
For reservation please call: La veranda Restaurant Elie Daher 647-300-0471 or Fadi Melhem: 416-450-5630.
Thank you for joining us
Happy Easter

Candles – Roses – Dinner

Candles – Roses – Dinner

10. March, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Candles – Roses – Dinner
The “Our Lady of Lebanon Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception” provides the following items for the Holy Week events:
• Decorated candles for Palm Sunday
• Roses for the Holy Friday
• Lent dinner following Holy Friday Celebration

2017 Holy Week & Easter program

2017 Holy Week & Easter program

3. March, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Hosanna Sunday April 9th, 2017
10:00 am & 12:30 pm Mass with Palm procession
7:00 pm Mass with Palm procession (Pickering)
From Monday to Thursday (6 – 7 pm)
Monday April 10th and Tuesday April 11th, 2017
7:00 pm: Mass & Ziah el Salib
قداس وزياح الصليب
Wednesday April 12th, 2017
7:00 pm Mass & Blessing of the Holy Oil
قداس ورتبة تبريك الزيت
Thursday of the Mysteries April 13th, 2017
7:00 pm Mass & Washing of feet
قداس ورتبة الغسل
8:30 pm till midnight Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Good Friday April 14th, 2017
11:00 am Ceremony of the Adoration of the Cross in “Holy Redeemer Church” (Pickering)
4:00 pm Stations of the Holy Cross and Ceremony of the Adoration of the Cross in “Our Lady of Lebanon Church”
Saturday of the light April 15th, 2017
11:30 am Prayer of forgiveness and confessions.
11:00 pm Easter Midnight Mass
Easter Sunday April 16th, 2017
10:30 am & 12:30 pm Mass in OLOL
7:00 pm Mass in “Holy Redeemer Church” (Pickering)

MYC 2017

MYC 2017

3. March, 2017Past EventsNo comments

MYC2017 posterDear youth,

You are invited to the 4th annual Maronite Youth Convention 2017 which will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 19th-21st. All youth aged 19-35 are encouraged to take part.

Last year’s Maronite Youth Convention brought together more than 500 youth to Toronto for an exciting weekend filled with spiritual, social and cultural activities. Let’s come together and create more memories!

– Deposit of $125 is required upon registration to secure your spot. (Deposit will be refunded at the hotel). – Please note if you do not attend the convention, the deposit will not be refunded.
– Provide a copy of your photo ID (picture/scan).

Lunchin’ MYC ! March 26, 2017

You are all invited to a community lunch on Sunday, March 26th after both masses. The Maronite Youth Convention team and volunteers will be hosting it in Our Lady of Lebanon church’s hall. All proceeds will go towards financing the trip to Halifax for this year’s convention.
Your generosity in donating any food items for the lunch is greatly appreciated. If you wish to do so, please contact us ASAP: Jessica Fares (647) 200-7626, George Diab (416) 823-4365,
We thank you in advance for your support and generosity

Ash Monday

Ash Monday

18. February, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Ash Monday on February 27th, Mass and imposition of Ashes at 7:00 pm
at Our Lady of Lebanon

Lent 2017

Lent 2017

18. February, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Mass and way of the Cross
Every Friday in Lent at 7:00pm beginning on Friday March 3rd, 2017

Saint Maron’s yearly fundraising lunch

Saint Maron’s yearly fundraising lunch

11. February, 2017Past EventsNo comments

St. Maron 10th Annual Fundraising Lunch: Feb 12th, 2017
OLOL Sacred Heart Family is organizing today its 10th Annual Fundraising lunch after both Masses, the purpose of this Fundraising is helping the needy People in Canada and Charitable Organizations in Lebanon. We are waiting for you after both Masses to share with us a Delicious Home made Lunch prepared by our Volunteers Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for your Appreciated Contribution. May God bless you and bless your Families

Valentine Party

Valentine Party

27. January, 2017Past EventsNo comments

You are all invited (in 11 February 2017), to celebrate Valentine Party with us at La Veranda Resto.
140 Woodbridge Ave, Woodbridge, Ontario



6. January, 2017Past EventsNo comments

Happy Epiphany

“… Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.  You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips, but with your heart.  In fact on certain occasions you should only speak to Him with your heart.” ( Padre Pio)

Thank you

Thank you

6. January, 2017Past EventsNo comments

On behalf of Our Lady of Lebanon Church, we would like to thank each person who had worked hardly for the success of the New Year party and for those who had attended it
May this year be joyful and full of blessings